System is installed in the Adult ER with plans for the other three ERs this year

Our senior leadership is always focused on ways to contribute to a safer and more secure workplace. They have taken time to listen to physicians and employees to better understand even more about safety and security workplace concerns at our various UF Health Shands and UF Health Physicians facilities.
Through the information gathering process, some staff shared safety concerns about our adult, pediatric and freestanding ERs. These are high-traffic areas and sometimes present as higher-risk locations for potential workplace violence. Leadership heard your concerns and the UF Health Violence in the Workplace Task Force has been evaluating ways to better protect faculty, staff, patients and visitors in our ERs without impacting timely patient flow and our ability to continue to deliver outstanding quality care.
Weapons detection system installation in ERs
The first weapons detection system was installed in the Adult ER on March 14, with installations planned for our other three ERs later this year.
Overview of the Evolv Weapons Detection System
The Evolv weapons detection system allows two individuals to pass through at a time, maintains the flow of traffic into the ER and is designed to improve the security screening experience.
Anyone entering the main entrance to the ER simply walks through the detection system without having to remove any items, including cell phones, keys, etc. The system is intended to detect specific metal objects, such as a gun. The system does not interfere with pacemakers or implant devices.
Anyone activating an alert will be assessed for their clinical well-being and then asked about weapons in their possession. If a weapon is being carried, the individual will be asked to secure their weapon in their vehicle or deposit it with Security if they are unable to return to their vehicle.
The safety of Security officers, staff, patients and visitors is always a top priority and local law enforcement will be engaged if needed.
Stay tuned for more updates as we enhance safety and security across UF Health.