The 2023 UF Health Employee Engagement Survey launches April 24
Welcome to the UF Health Shands Employee Engagement Survey! Returning for the first time since 2019, your hosts, the Human Resources Development team, are excited to have you. The engagement survey kicks off April 24 and remains open until May 13.
As you gear up to take the survey, the object of this game is to share your ideas and thoughts so, in turn, we can make sure that all members of the UF Health Shands family feel connected to our mission and supported by our organization. Taking the survey allows us to share input to make UF Health Shands an even better place to work, while continuing to foster a culture of engagement and teamwork.
“The last three years have dramatically altered the world in more ways than one,” said Rachel Enochs, PHR, SHRM-CP, UF Health Shands Human Resources development director. “The Employee Engagement Survey is one way that we reach out to the workforce to get their insights and feedback on how we can move forward better and stronger in this new environment that we find ourselves in.”

Who can take the survey?
All UF Health Shands non-temporary employees hired on or before March 4, 2023 will receive a link to complete this year’s employee engagement survey.
How long does the survey take?
On average, employees spend 10-15 minutes taking the survey. The feedback will help shape our work environment for years to come.
How do you take the survey?
Starting April 24, this link to the online survey will be sent to your work email and can also be found on the Bridge homepage.
Step-by-step details:
- Visit the Bridge (Bridge.UFHealth.org).
- Click the “Employee Services” tab and you’ll see “HR, Admin & Benefits.”
- Select “HR Gainesville – Shands.”
- Under “Services,” choose “Human Resource Development” from the drop-down menu.
- Lastly, click “Engagement” from the main list and you’re on the page!
Why is it important for me to take this survey?
Employee engagement is about making sure our employees feel pride and loyalty working for our organization. We are a growing, dynamic health care system that promotes employee engagement as a better way to work that benefits individual employees, teams and the entire organization. We want everyone working here to want, and to be able, to give their best each day! The survey provides an opportunity for you to give feedback on your work experience ̶ what’s going well and where there are opportunities for continuous improvement.
Is this survey confidential?
Yes! Your responses go directly to our survey administrator, Press Ganey. At least five respondents must be included for a report to be generated for UF Health Shands managers to ensure anonymity. Please note: While your name and employee ID won’t be attached to any of your answers, managers will receive their team members’ open-ended responses as they are written.
Why do I have to share my employee identification number on the survey?
Your employee ID is a unique identifier and is used as a password to access the survey. This ensures that your responses are reported accurately by work unit or area. When you click on the link to take the survey, you are taken to Press Ganey’s website. When you enter your employee identification number, you are doing so in their system, not a UF Health platform. Your responses will be anonymous and will be reported directly to Press Ganey to ensure confidentiality.
Once answers are compiled from the Employee Engagement Survey, how does this incite real change?
After the survey is closed, Press Ganey will present insights and recommendations to assist us and our leaders in creating action plans for increasing engagement and improving your work experience.
Where can I find more information?
To find more information on the survey, as well as where you can find additional tools and resources to support employee engagement at all levels of our organization, please visit: https://Bridge.UFHealth.org/shands-hrd/engagement-site
Also, stay tuned for more details from your manager, in emails and on the Bridge homepage.
Employees, are you ready to play? Don’t pass on this opportunity to be heard!