Dear Colleagues:
Each day, we hear dozens of heartfelt stories describing the compassionate care and acts of kindness demonstrated by you — our dynamic faculty, residents, nurses, staff and volunteers. From lifesaving procedures and new trailblazing research to small acts of kindness, each day, you find a way to inspire those around you. You cultivate the stories that fuel the warmth in our organization.
Over the next few pages, you’ll read about some of our team members who have gone above and beyond and have left an impact on our patients, families, visitors and co-workers. Alongside each picture, you’ll see words and phrases they shared that inspire them daily in their roles at UF Health, and throughout their personal life journeys. As you read through each page, I challenge you to ask yourself what inspires you in your role. Perhaps it’s a memory that’s impacted you, a conversation that changed your perspective or a personal connection that pushed you toward reaching a goal.
Personally, I am inspired by our incredible employees on a daily basis. Serving on the Customer Service is the Key committee gives me an opportunity to hear about hundreds of small and large acts of kindness and caring provided by our clinical and support staff on a regular basis. And what makes us great is that it isn’t only the caregivers who look out for our patients and visitors — it’s employees from Facilities, Food and Nutrition Services, Environmental Services, Finance, Human Resources, IT, Security, Transportation and other teams who also consider it part of their mission and reason for working here. All of our staff have our patients’ best interests at heart.
It also inspires me every year at the Milestones Banquet to see and visit with the employees who have worked here for so long and who dedicated their careers to UF Health Shands. Clearly, working here is not just a job to them: It’s a calling.
You’ll see how our CSK nominees are shaping how we care for everyone who enters our doors. Their stories are inspiring, and now we encourage you to also go out and create your own story. I look forward to reading how you continue to impact our organization.
Thank you,
Janet Christie
Senior vice president, Human Resources
UF Health Shands
We receive thousands of Customer Service is the Key nominations each year, highlighting how our co-workers have inspired those
around them. One selfless and compassionate act can inspire another and have a ripple effect that positively alters the experience of many people. Kindness is contagious.
CSK nominations can be written for small gestures as well as dramatic actions, and we encourage you to nominate your colleagues. Nomination forms are located at our nursing units and reception desks and on the Bridge. Visit Bridge.UFHealth.org, go to “Employee Services,” then “HR Gainesville – Shands” and click the “Customer Service is Key” Quick Link on the right.
Turn in your completed form to the employee’s supervisor or to any UF Health Shands manager, or place it in a customer service drop box or deliver it to Human Resources.
Thank you!
Submitting a CSK nomination is quick and simple. Here’s a short list of things to please include:
• Your first and last name
• Your phone number and email (optional)
• Your status (i.e., employee, patient, visitor/family, etc.)
• Nominee’s first and last name
• Nominee’s title (if known)
• The story — tell us what happened
It feels great to help recognize a co-worker for their exemplary behavior. Thank you for participating in the CSK process.