Two new hospitals and 139 patients: a ‘moving’ recap of Dec. 10

More than 1,000 staffers pulled together for move day

By Nacuya Lewis, Rachel Rivera
Care teams and staff volunteers review plans to transport patients through tunnels to the new hospitals. Jesse Jones

Step-by-step recap

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Fun facts

Move-day stats on patient TV/tablet infotainment system usage for Dec. 10-17:

“It was a great experience helping out in any way that I could. Our team made sure that everyone had what they needed on each floor. I’m happy to be a part of the UF Health Shands and EVS family!”
Lorenzo Weeks
EVS worker, UF Health Shands Environmental Services

FUN FACTS: Did you know?