Vote and Think Green!
Help select a $10,000 PepsiCo™ sustainability grant
At UF Health, we’re looking for ways to be more environmentally responsible. Our commitment to sustainability practices includes reducing waste and promoting efficient use of resources.
PepsiCo™ is an official partner of UF and shares this commitment. That’s why UF Health Shands and PepsiCo™ are collaborating to give our employees an opportunity to Think Green!
For the Think Green! campaign, PepsiCo™ will support our hospital system with a $10,000 sustainability grant. During the July 10-21 submission period, individuals and teams of up to five UF Health Shands employees submitted ideas to improve the organization in an eco-friendly way. The ideas will be narrowed down to three to five finalists and then Aug. 14-25 you can go online to vote for your favorite.
“This campaign demonstrates our organization’s pledge to creating a more sustainable environment as we continue to provide high-quality clinical care to our patients,” said Lara Zamajtuk, UF Health Shands Operations associate vice president. “We wanted to engage our employees in the process to create a sense of excitement, creativity, teamwork and advocacy with regard to this initiative.”
Visit to learn about the finalist proposals and vote for your favorite idea! You can also search “Pepsi Grant” on the Bridge.
Voting will also be open to the public via UF Health’s social media channels, so be sure to check out our official Facebook and Instagram accounts and share with friends.
The winning proposal will be announced the first week in September. An individual winner will receive an Apple Watch and a $500 gift card. Each member of a winning team will receive an Apple Watch and the $500 gift card will be equally distributed among team members. Additionally, runner-up individuals and groups will each receive a $100 Visa gift card! All prizes from PepsiCo™ are treated as taxable income and taxes will be covered.

DID YOU KNOW? UF Health has many proactive green practices. Search “Pepsi Grant” on the Bridge to learn more.