Nationally known UF orthopaedist named chief medical officer

C. Parker Gibbs, M.D., UF College of Medicine orthopaedic surgery division chief and the Eugene L. Jewett professor of orthopaedic surgery, is the new chief medical officer for UF Health Shands.
In October, Gibbs took over the role from Timothy C. Flynn, M.D., who was chief medical officer since 2010. As CMO, Flynn was responsible for the direction and oversight of the medical staff physicians practicing at UF Health Shands hospitals and outpatient programs.
Flynn has served as a champion for our expert nursing and patient care staff and supported many important hospital initiatives. Flynn now continues his 30-year medical career with the College of Medicine as senior associate dean for clinical affairs and a professor in the department of surgery’s division of vascular and endovascular surgery.
In his new role, Gibbs oversees medical staff practicing across UF Health Shands and continues the work of his predecessor as a leader for clinical quality, patient safety and outcomes measurement. He also represents UF Health Shands in physician recruitment, credentialing and medical education, and is a catalyst among our medical staff and clinical teams for innovative patient care programs and efficient processes.
“We’re at an exciting juncture, looking forward to even more growth across UF Health Shands. We heartily thank Dr. Flynn for his valuable contributions, teamwork and support. He’s established a strong foundation for our hospital system,” said Ed Jimenez, UF Health Shands CEO. “I believe Dr. Gibbs has a gift to galvanize people around a cause, with vision and the ability to create a path and motivate people to succeed. We are very excited to work with him.”