Thank you for raising hope!
Over the summer, more than 1,550 UF Health Shands employees and UF College of Medicine faculty and staff members joined together for the annual UF Health Raising Hope at Work giving campaign.
In only 11 weeks, employees raised an inspiring $203,286 for the UF Health Heart & Vascular Hospital, the UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital and the George T. Harrell, M.D., Medical Education Building.
This year, teams earned points based on dollars raised and participation. Congratulations to the winning teams:
First place: UF Health Sebastian Ferrero Office of Clinical Quality and Patient Safety (pictured)
Second place: UF Health IT Servcies and the UF College of Medicine department of psychiatry (tie)
Third place: UF Health Shands Finance
Congratulations to the following departments that reached 100 percent participation:
• UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital Surgical/Trauma Intensive Care Unit 4 West
• UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital Pediatric ICU
• UF College of Medicine department of OB/GYN
• UF Health IT Services
• UF Health Shands Hospital Management Engineering Consulting Services
• UF Health Office of Development
Thank you to each faculty and staff member who participated in this campaign. You are making a visible difference in our mission every day.