UF is partnering with UF Health to expand its UF Alert System to communicate life-safety emergency notifications to our faculty and staff. This will ensure a more consistent approach to keeping us well-informed during emergency events.
We are asking our UF Health workforce to go online and check preferences to opt in or out of the UF Alert-Gainesville and the UF Alert-Shands groups.
The system will assist in safeguarding patients and visitors, faculty, staff and students by providing clear internal communications and instructions during emergency events that impact our clinical programs and facilities.
The UF Alert geographic-based groups are:
- UF Alert-Shands (UF Health Shands in Gainesville) — Emergency notifications specific to UF Health Shands facilities for individuals who are UF Health Shands employees and UF College of Medicine faculty and staff who provide or support care in UF Health Shands and UF Health Physicians facilities.
UF Health Shands employees are automatically opted in to the system, but may elect to opt out.
UF Health Science Center faculty and staff may opt in.
Note: UF Health leaders and UF Health Shands, UF College of Medicine and UF Health Physicians individuals with a key role in emergency response will be asked to opt in (mandatory).
- UF Alert-Gainesville (UF Campus in Gainesville) — Optional emergency notifications concerning campus-area issues for those interested. For UF faculty, staff and students, as well as UF Health Shands staff who wish to receive them.
- UF Alert-Systemwide — Mandatory notifications concerning issues that may impact the entire UF community, including UF Health. Individuals with an active ufl.edu or shands.ufl.edu email account automatically receive these alerts without registering.
How to change your alert preferences:
For UF Health SHands Staff:
UF Health Bridge
- Go to the UF Health Bridge, bridge.UFHealth.org.
- From the Bridge home page, hover over “Employee Services” in the main menu bar. A floating menu will appear; click “Employee and Manager Self Service.”
- Sign in with your username and password.
- Select “Main Menu” and “Self Service.”
- Under the “Personal Information” menu, click “Office Location Details.”
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the correct UF Alert preference.
For UF or UF Health Shands Staff:
- Go to the myUFL website at my.ufl.edu.
- Click on the “Access myUFL” button and sign in with your GatorLink username and password.
- Select “Main Menu.”
- Under the “My Account” menu, click “Update Emergency Contact.”
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the correct UF Alert preference.