This year’s theme is “Teaming Up for Safety: Delivering High-Quality Care.”
Each spring, UF Health faculty, staff, residents and students gather to celebrate Patient Safety and Quality Week, presented by the UF Health Sebastian Ferrero Office of Clinical Quality and Patient Safety.
The 2023 Patient Safety and Quality Week will be held March 6-9. This year’s theme is “Teaming Up for Safety: Delivering High-Quality Care.”
Join us for a week of events where we will explore hospital quality goals, recognize top contributors and innovators, increase awareness of hospital-wide quality improvement projects and celebrate hospital achievements in patient safety and quality.

Daily educational sessions will be held at 7 a.m. via Zoom, and topics will include Quality Improvement Methodology, CUSP, Quality Improvement and Public Quality.
This year’s keynote speaker is Kathleen Sutcliffe, PhD, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University, who will be discussing organizational resilience and managing the unexpected. Sutcliffe’s presentation will be held Monday, March 6 at noon, in person at the Communicore Building Room C1-011 or via Zoom.
CME and CEU credits will be available for the keynote speaker and educational sessions.
The 2023 Patient Safety and Quality Week Improvement Project sessions demonstrate our strong commitment to patient safety and quality improvement through multidisciplinary initiatives and original quality improvement activities.
The 2023 PSQW Improvement Project Poster Session will be held Tuesday, March 7 at noon at the UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital, Auxiliary Conference Room 1204-1205, and the Podium Session will take place Wednesday, March 8 at noon, in person at the Communicore Building Room C1-011 or via Zoom.
Visit the Patient Safety and Quality Week website for the latest news and complete schedule of events.