Ann Malec, D.N.P., R.N., NEA-BC, is passionate about making an impact on patient outcomes.

Ann Malec, D.N.P., R.N., NEA-BC, joined UF Health Shands in late January as the associate vice president of Nursing.
Malec comes to UF Health from University of Wisconsin Health-University Hospital in Madison, where she most recently served as the director of medical-surgical nursing. In her previous role, Malec provided daily leadership and operational direction for nine different areas and oversaw a team of nurse managers and clinical nurse specialists.
She has proven herself as a dynamic and empowering leader, demonstrating success in steering daily operations in a complex health care system while producing tangible results through effective collaboration, influential ideas and gaining buy-in of team members.
Malec is passionate about making an impact on patient outcomes and is excited about the opportunities at UF Health. She is currently orienting to the hospital and division, and is making plans to round on the units and get to know the staff. Malec said she is currently working with UF Health Shands Hospital Units 46, 47, 76, 77, 87, 4 East and 4 West, as well as a number of other areas, including the UF Health Shands Comprehensive Stroke Center, the UF Health Bariatric Surgery Center and the UF Health Shands CORTRAK team.