Honor recognizes significant contributions to the Children’s Medical Services Program
Since his arrival at UF in 2005, Mark S. Bleiweis, M.D., has been instrumental in expanding the UF Health Congenital Heart Center’s complement of pediatric cardiac specialists and making the center among the top facilities in the country.
Bleiweis’ hard work and dedication to pediatric patients and their families is being recognized by the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, or FCAAP, with the 2021 FCAAP Philip O. Lichtblau, M.D., Award, one of its two prestigious chapter awards.

“The Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is proud to honor Dr. Judith Schaechter with the Audrey Lincourt Schiebler, R.N., FAAP, and Gerold Schiebler, M.D., FAAP, Advocacy Award and honor Dr. Mark Bleiweis with the Phillip O. Lichtblau, M.D., Award,” said FCAAP President Lisa Gwynn, D.O., M.B.A., MSPH, FAAP. “Dr. Schaechter and Dr. Bleiweis have led exceptional careers in pediatrics, and it is a privilege to honor their work with the chapter’s highest recognitions. We thank them both for their dedication to Florida’s children and families.”
The Philip O. Lichtblau, M.D., Award is given annually to a pediatric surgeon or pediatric surgical specialist who has contributed significantly either regionally or statewide to the Children’s Medical Services Program.
Bleiweis currently serves in multiple leadership roles at UF Health, including director of the UF Health Congenital Heart Center; the William G. Lassiter Jr. and Aneice R. Lassiter Professorship and professor in the departments of surgery and pediatrics at the UF College of Medicine; chief of pediatric cardiovascular surgery at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital; and surgical director of the UF Health Shands Adult Heart Transplantation Program. He was also selected for the Lichtblau Award in 2008.
Both awards are slated to be presented to the winners as part of the chapter’s award ceremony during FCAAP’s annual conference in September.