Accessibility to CAR T-cell therapy brought patient to UF Health

By Kacey Finch
CAR T-cell treatment Jack Hsu, M.D., a clinical associate professor of medicine in the UF College of Medicine, was on-call 24/7 during Sandra Davis-Quinney’s treatment.
“This is the first genetic therapy that was approved for the treatment of adult hematologic malignancies.
“It provides another option for patients who have
very-high-risk lymphoma.”
— Jack Hsu, M.D., a clinical associate professor
of medicine in the UF College of Medicine
CAR T-cell treatment During her month-long stay at UF Health, Sandra Davis-Quinney had the support of her husband and sister.
“No pain, no gain. I just do what I need to do and live life as a happy day every day.”
— Sandra Davis-Quinney
“There are challenges. There are days when I’m disappointed with what my counts are, but I don't let it discourage me.
“I keep praying, driving, putting fuel in my tank and propelling forward.”
— Sandra Davis-Quinney