Decal changes, improved shuttle hours and free park-n-ride service
At: South Employee Garage & HVN Garage (off Southwest 13th Street) Details are available on the Bridge intranet portal.
Sept. 16 Decal lottery notification
Faculty and staff who participated in the parking decal lottery for one or both of these two garages and who have been selected for a decal will be notified by Sept. 16. If you’re selected for a Yellow decal for the South Employee Garage or a Silver or Gold decal for the HVN Garage, you’ll receive instructions.
Oct. 1-31 New decal pick up
Those granted a new decal through the lottery will have 30 days to visit UF Transportation and Parking Services to exchange your old decal for your new one. As soon as you have the new decal, you can begin parking in your assigned garage.
Oct. 1 New parking guidelines in place
- The HVN Garage will now require a Silver or Gold decal.
- The South Employee Garage will now require a Yellow or a Red/Yellow decal.
- You must display the correct decal in your vehicle to park in these garages.
View a map and registration details on the Bridge intranet portal.
Oct. 1 Free Park-n-Ride service begins
Hours are 6-8:30 a.m. and 3:30-8 p.m.
Our new commuter option begins for UF Health faculty, residents, staff and volunteers. Weekdays, park for free at the Oaks Mall and take a direct-express shuttle to two stops on our health campus (outside UF Health Shands Hospital on Archer Road and at the Circle of Hope at our cancer, heart and neuro hospitals). Service runs Monday-Friday from 6-8:30 a.m. and 3:30-8 p.m. Registration is required and remains available online.
At: South Employee Garage (Southwest 13th Street) & Garage IX/9 (Archer Road)
Oct. 1 Digital “capacity counter” signs will display available parking spaces
Commuters will be able to see the number of available parking spaces in two high-traffic staff parking garages — the South Employee Garage off Southwest 13th Street and Garage IX/9 near the ShandsCair heliport on Archer Road. Capacity counters, commonly used at airports, help users identify available parking.
At: Archer Road hospitals
Ongoing Direct-express shuttles start at 5:15 a.m.
All morning direct-express shuttles now begin service at 5:15 a.m. This includes the new morning direct-express shuttle between Garage IX/9, the Triangle Lot and the 1329 Building.