Stay informed and prepared!
Our UF Health Shands detailed emergency operations plans are available on the Bridge intranet portal. They guide faculty and staff in our hospitals and outpatient programs on what to do when faced with a crisis. A crisis could be any situation that requires our teams to adapt regular, day-to-day operations to quickly accommodate patients (mass-casualty accidents or transfers/evacuations) or manage through a challenge or loss of utilities, technology or other infrastructure on any scale.
Current plans are posted online for a general mass-casualty response and for specific situations, including severe weather, missing child/infant abduction, active shooter, biological event and bomb threat response.
KNOW YOUR ROLE — How does your team respond?
Many departments stay well-trained and prepared year-round, due to the important responsibilities they have in emergency situations. You may be in a department or program that has an “all hands on deck” approach when the hospital “activates” and the Incident Command Center is mobilized.
Other departments have supportive roles but may rarely experience a sense of urgency during a mobilization.
Or, you may be in a role that doesn’t directly respond, but you may be asked to sign up for a staffing pool to come in and help another team.
Please talk with your supervisor about your unit’s role in a large-scale emergency response here at work. Are you considered among “essential personnel” who may be required to take a role? Would you be asked to help another team? Please discuss and understand your leaders’ expectations for your team.
This time of year, we remain focused on our “severe weather” readiness in case of serious storms and hurricanes. The Emergency Operations Bridge site includes a “Resources” tab with helpful information to help you prepare at home and work. Links include the National Weather Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, and UF Emergency Management.
For example, when we activate for an impending hurricane, the hospital may offer limited child care for essential staff during their shifts. But staff shouldn’t bring other family members to shelter in UF Health properties. UF Health can’t be responsible for their safety and well-being when we’re focused on caring for patients and staff who are working.
Staff are asked to have plans for their loved ones and pets’ safety during severe weather. The “Resources” tab offers Emergency Shelter information by county for North Central Florida, with emergency links and a checklist to help you prepare in advance.
We hope you’ll visit the Bridge, review resources and stay informed and prepared for whatever comes our way.