Lottery opportunity for decals is open Aug. 1-31
On July 1, following a series of parking focus groups involving UF Health Shands employees and College of Medicine faculty and staff, leaders announced a new plan to address staff parking challenges in the South Employee Garage and HVN Garage.
Faculty and staff who wish to park in either of these two garages are invited to participate in a lottery process starting Aug. 1. Leaders selected this solution to give faculty and staff a fair opportunity to park close to their workplace. Several improvements to UF Health parking services will also go into effect in the coming months.
The lottery is open Aug. 1-31. Faculty and staff randomly selected for a decal for one of these garages through the lottery process will be contacted by Sept. 16 and asked to purchase their new decals. The new decals go into effect for the two garages Oct. 1. Faculty and staff will have the month of October to pick up their decals from UF Parking and Transportation Services so they can begin using the garage.
Parking services will remain a top focus, with many improvements coming.
- All morning direct express shuttles now start at 5:15 a.m., including a new morning direct express shuttle between Garage IX/9, the Triangle Lot and the 1329 Building.
- Lighting along Archer Road sidewalks/ walkways as well as lighting in our garages will be improved.
- Starting Oct. 1, digital displays showing available parking spaces (known as capacity counters) will be visible outside high-traffic garages — the South Employee Garage and Garage IX/9 near the UF Health ShandsCair heliport — to help users decide where to park.
Visit Bridge.UFHealth.org and type “Employee Parking – Shands Facilities” in the Bridge homepage search box. The direct link is https://Bridge.UFHealth.org/shands-facilities/services/parkingservices/employee-parking/
The parking site will be updated periodically to address new FAQs. Information will continue to be posted on the Bridge and in a variety of internal print and electronic communications tools.
Please submit parking questions via the Bridge homepage suggestion box. The Bridge site has many more details, instructions and FAQs. Thank you for visiting it and sharing the information with your colleagues.
UF Health leaders appreciate your input and your ongoing support as we improve parking options for faculty and staff.
There will be new space and decal assignments for two parking garages on the south side of Archer Road:
There will be a net increase of 260 additional decals combined for faculty and staff parking in the HVN Garage and South Employee Garage.
- Patient, visitor and employee parking (adjacent to the heart/vascular and neuro hospitals, off Southwest 13th Street)
- 200 employee parking spaces will be reserved for Silver and Gold decals only, assigned via a lottery system open to all UF Health faculty and staff.
- Predominantly employee parking (next to HVN Garage, off Southwest 13th Street)
- 486 spaces in the South Employee Garage will remain Yellow decal. Current Yellow decal holders of this garage as well as Red/Yellow decal holders who park in the HVN Garage will be granted access to this garage. Additional Yellow decal spaces in this garage will be assigned via a lottery system open to all UF Health faculty and staff.
- All morning direct-express shuttles now start at 5:15 a.m., including a new morning direct-express shuttle between Garage IX/9, the Triangle Lot and the 1329 Building.
- We will improve lighting along Archer Road sidewalks/walkways.
- We will improve lighting in our garages.
- Digital displays showing available parking spaces (known as capacity counters) will be visible outside high-traffic garages — the South Employee Garage and Garage IX/9 near the ShandsCair heliport — to help users decide where to park.