Our Employee Engagement Journey Continues — add another stamp to your passport
2019 Employee Engagement Survey begins May 6
Get ready to embark on a new adventure during our employee engagement journey. Participating in the annual UF Health Shands Employee Engagement Survey earns each of us an important stamp in our passport — it gives us a voice and a chance to provide constructive feedback that will directly impact our work environment. By expressing our views in the survey, we’ll help our leaders get to our destination as we continue to foster a culture of engagement and teamwork.
Taking the survey this month allows us to share input on what we like about working here and our ideas to make it an even better work environment.
“To create and advance an engaged workforce, employees need to feel truly connected to the organization. One opportunity we have is to share our thoughts and ideas each year during the Employee Engagement Survey,” said Rachel Enochs, P.H.R., SHRM-CP, UF Health Shands Human Resources Development director. “I hope that all employees will feel empowered to make a difference and also share some inspirational and innovative ideas on how UF Health Shands can continue to be the destination of choice for employees and patients.”
Employee engagement drives performance that leads to better service for our patients, who are at the heart of all we do. Our goal is to ensure we provide our patients with the best quality care and attentive service — and engaged employees are the key to delivering a great patient experience.
Ed Jimenez, UF Health Shands CEO, encourages employees to use the survey to provide important feedback and to answer the open-ended questions at the end of the survey. He reads every comment that is submitted.
“I’m very interested in the survey feedback. I personally review the results and work with leaders to make the process valuable. I want staff to know we’re using their input,” Jimenez said. “We know the UF Health workplace is demanding and challenging, and in many ways we all expect that from a top organization. But at the same time, we need to make improvements where we can to ensure that the employee experience is as positive and supportive as ever.”

Who can take the survey?
The survey is open to all UF Health Shands employees and UF employees in integrated core service departments (including Communications, IT Services and the Office of Development).
How do you take the survey?
The survey is available from Monday, May 6 to Tuesday, May 28. Take it at work or at home. Starting May 6, a link to the online survey will be sent to your work email and can also be found on the Bridge. Visit the Bridge (Bridge.UFHealth.org), click the “Employee Services” tab and you’ll see “HR, Admin &
Benefits.” Select “HR Gainesville – Shands” and then choose “Employee Engagement Survey Headquarters” from the Quick Links listed on the right.
How long does it take?
On average, employees spend 10-15 minutes taking the survey. The feedback will help shape our work environment for years to come.
Is the survey confidential?
Yes. Your responses go directly to our survey administrator, Press Ganey Associates. At least five respondents must be included for a report to be generated for UF Health Shands managers to ensure anonymity. Please note: While your name and employee ID won’t be attached to any of your answers, managers will receive their team members’ open-ended responses word for word.
Why are we asked to provide our employee ID numbers?
Your employee ID will only be seen by Press Ganey Associates, our third-party survey administrators. It is used to properly categorize our employees by teams.
Where can I find more information?
Stay tuned for more details from your manager, in emails and on the Bridge.