Huddles continue to transform our culture of care

At UF Health, we’re constantly evolving and expanding, but what remains consistent is our patient-focused culture of care. Since launching in October 2015, Hospitality Huddles have had a significant impact on the way we interact with our patients, their families and our UF Health colleagues. Your feedback about Huddles helps the Hospitality & Service steering committee generate fresh ideas and address new topics.
Take a look below to find out what one UF Health employee is saying about her Huddles!
“The Hospitality & Service program ’15-5 Rule’ reiterates customer service, and that’s what I love about it. The rule made me more aware of my surroundings. I think that’s just a great quality to have to be positive and smile. I think it makes a patient’s day better when you do something as little as a smile. Our patients are going through a lot, so doing something small can brighten someone’s day. I know when I’m walking down the hallways and someone smiles or says hello to me, I think, ‘Oh! That’s so nice.’ So why wouldn’t patients feel the same way when we do it to them?”
What’s the “15-5 Rule”? If you pass within 15 feet of another person, acknowledge his or her presence with eye contact and a smile or other gesture that is welcoming, such as a nod. If you pass within five feet, add a friendly verbal greeting, such as “Hello” or “Good morning.”
To share your thoughts, visit the Hospitality & Service Bridge site and select the “In Your Words” tab.