Participation surges for team challenges
Nearly 2,000 employees participated in walking and water contests!
Over the past year, GatorCare sponsored three team events — a Fall and Spring Walking Challenge and a Summer Water Challenge. The activities are gaining in popularity, with nearly 2,000 UF and UF Health employees participating.
Employees formed teams, nominated captains and created fun team names — like “Your Pace or Mine?” and “Wetty or Not Here We Come!” Teams tracked their steps or water intake using charts provided by GatorCare, and captains compiled the results. Every week, GatorCare emailed team rankings with participants, along with motivational information and fun facts about the benefits of walking and staying hydrated. Winners even received a team trophy!

“I encourage anyone who has never joined a team challenge to take the plunge when the opportunity comes … just do it!” said Vivian Pearson M.S.N., RN-BC, UF Health Shands Hospital Admission Discharge Transition Unit nurse and member of a former Walking Challenge winning team, “Obs Squad.” “I joined and made a commitment to do my best. What I didn’t expect was how much I was going to enjoy it. I found my walks became a time to renew, reflect and re-energize. I especially enjoyed the stories from my co-workers about their walks and the laughs we shared over our team’s ‘adventures.’ Honestly, I think the group effort brought us closer together, too.”
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