Eric Rosenberg named associate chief medical officer

In May, Eric Rosenberg, M.D., MSPH, FACP, joined the hospital leadership team as associate chief medical officer for UF Health Shands. Rosenberg will report to the chief medical officer in addition to his role as UF College of Medicine chief of general internal medicine. Our chief medical officer
Rosenberg will report to the chief medical officer in addition to his role as UF College of Medicine chief of general internal medicine. Our chief medical officer physician leaders are resources and catalysts at UF Health Shands. Led by C. Parker Gibbs, M.D., UF Health Shands chief medical officer and UF College of Medicine orthopaedic surgery division chief, they guide us toward our goal of building stronger partnerships between hospital medical staff and clinical teams with collaboration and innovation at the forefront to enhance the patient experience.
Rosenberg’s expertise in patient safety and adult inpatient treatment through interprofessional protocols have standardized and improved quality care. He has conducted original research to determine the causes of medical errors and has been an advocate for clinical quality and patient safety training for students in the health sciences.