Nursing: The balance of mind, body and spirit
Celebrate National Nurses Week May 6-12
At UF Health, we have some of the most passionate nurses in the industry. Their attentive service embodies their motto — “experienced care, expert caring” — which is at the heart of our patient experience.
Our UF Health Shands Nursing and Patient Services staff deserve recognition, and we encourage you to join us to celebrate National Nurses Week, May 6-12. We will honor our nurses for their steadfast dedication to our patients and their nursing practice accomplishments.
This year’s national theme — “Nursing: The balance of mind, body and spirit” — promotes the importance of self-care practices and healthy lifestyle choices for nursing care professionals. The theme has five segments: rest, nutrition, spirit, extracurricular activities and exercise. These are key areas that nurses and their organizations believe are vital priorities for a well-balanced nurse. Here at UF Health Shands, our nursing staff share these values.
On Wednesday, May 17, our nursing teams will celebrate unit and individual accomplishments at the annual Nightingale Award Ceremony and reception at the Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy, or HPNP, Building Auditorium. They will also receive thank you gift cards, complimentary massages and other giveaways. Additional events will promote healthy habits for all health care workers. Stay tuned on the Bridge for updates and event details.

A special thank you from our leaders:
“It’s an honor to lead such a dynamic group of individuals. Your passion for providing quality care, exemplary hospitality and service is at the heart of our organization. I’m thankful for the strength and resilience you exhibit daily. You make our hospital the best of the best!”

Irene Alexaitis, D.N.P., R.N. NEA-BC
UF Health Shands Hospital chief nursing officer
Nursing and Patient Services vice president
“Throughout our organization, our nursing teams live by the highest standards of nursing practice. In addition to clinical excellence, they are known for warm and personal care. They put patients’ and family members’ needs first and they have an incredible impact on our patients’ positive experience in our health system. In honor of Nurses Week, I thank our nurses for all that they do, and for impacting so many lives in a special way.”

Ed Jimenez
UF Health Shands CEO
“Our nurses touch people’s lives every day in profound ways — those of patients, families, visitors and colleagues. Nurses are at the heart of compassionate care at UF Health. My deepest gratitude goes to all our Nursing and Patient Services staff.”

C. Parker Gibbs, M.D.
UF Health Shands chief medical officer
UF College of Medicine orthopaedic surgery division chief
Eugene L. Jewett Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery