Maximizing hospitality one ring at a time
Hundreds of calls are handled across our organization each day and February’s Hospitality Huddle topic will help improve phone etiquette one ring at a time. Practicing the skills learned at our Huddles will ensure that we provide the best hospitality and service for our patients and colleagues.
From a patient or visitor perspective, having to call a large, multifaceted health care system can be intimidating. Simple tactics — such as always using the same friendly, hospitable greeting when answering the phone — can convey a sense of warmth and professionalism to welcome callers.
“Consistency is key,” said Greg Hollingshead, UF Health Shands Human Resources Development director. “We should always answer a call with a helpful tone, state our unit/department and identify ourselves by name.”
Over the past year, reinforcing positive service behaviors through Hospitality Huddles has helped us improve relationships with our patients and their families and enhance communications among faculty and staff. February’s Huddle topic will encourage your team to discuss examples of effective calls and how to foster even better hospitality and service over the phone.
For additional information, refer to the Standards of Behavior Guidebook on the Hospitality & Service site at
In your words
Do you have a great Hospitality Huddle idea? Would you like to provide feedback about how your huddles are going? Please visit and click on the “In your words” tab to tell us.