Celebrating one year of Hospitality Huddles

How huddles are influencing our nursing culture

By Nacuya Lewis
The UF Health Shands Hospital Medical/Surgical Unit 55 team recently met for a Hospitality Huddle. Pictured (from left) are Nicole Hilliard, M.T., B.S., infection control practitioner; Taylor Adkins, P.C.A.; Brittni Holcomb, R.N., B.S.N., R.N.-C.; Suzanne Huertas, support tech; Ebony Buddington, R.N.-C.; and Beverly Clayton-Scott, M.S.N., R.N., NE-BC, nurse manager.
It’s always fun once we are in our Huddles to discuss exactly how patients, staff and visitors react to our hospitality efforts. Huddles have increased staff engagement and show us that we are stakeholders in our patients’ care.
Beverly Clayton-Scott, R.N., M.S.N., NE-BC
Nurse manager for UF Health Shands Hospital Medical/Surgical Unit 55
One of the things I enjoy about our Huddles is seeing staff ‘get it’ and have the ‘ah-ha’ moment when the value of hospitality standards becomes clear and embraced on a personal level.
Sherry Augustine, R.N., M.S.N, RN-BC
Nurse manager for UF Health Shands Hospital Family Medicine and Epilepsy Monitoring Unit 65