Video will welcome new hires
A team from UF Health Communications recently filmed a new employee orientation video in several locations around UF Health in Gainesville and Jacksonville. Here, they filmed at UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital. The video will be shown to new hires throughout UF Health later this summer. Pictured are UF Health Communications Creative Services team members (from left) Chris Bilowich, videographer; Carlos Campos, multimedia designer; Selena Carter, creative director; and Garrett Hall, MAMC, director. The script writing and project oversight were led by Kim Rose, UF Health Communications Strategic Communications director, with support from Lauren Irizarry, communications coordinator, and Laura Castro, communications specialist.
To view the video when it becomes available, and to see what else our communications teams are doing, follow us on the UF Health Bridge home page, under “FYI: Announcements — Communications.”