Celebrating long-term employees for their commitment

Employees given “rock star” treatment at Milestone banquet

By Nacuya Lewis
Annette Spradley (with flowers), celebrated 45 years of service with (from left) James J. Kelly Jr., UF Health Shands senior vice president and chief financial officer; Janet Christie, UF Health Shands Human Resources senior vice president; and Ed Jimenez, UF Health Shands CEO.
Long-term UF Health Shands Psychiatric Hospital and UF Health Shands Rehab Hospital employees were honored in April during a ceremony held at Embers Wood Grill. (Center) Diana Oliver, L.P.N., psychiatric nurse, was honored for more than 40 years of service with an award presented by (left) Daryl Cummings, M.S.N., RN-BC, psychiatric nurse manager, and (right) Marina Cecchini, M.B.A., administrator for the specialty hospitals.