Racing against the clock
For 35 years the ShandsCair team has provided lifesaving care and transportation
They arrive quickly to stabilize and rescue patients in emergencies and traumas: A newborn struggling to breathe, a motorcyclist suffering from head trauma, a stroke patient needing immediate intervention. The UF Health ShandsCair team has transported patients and saved lives for 35 years.
Last year, the ShandsCair team cared for and delivered approximately 7,000 patients. Crew members — often operating orange and blue emergency medical service vehicles — strive to deliver excellent patient care during transport with specialized, expert teams and vehicles equipped like ICUs.
The ShandsCair staff transports some of our tiniest patients by mobilizing the Neonatal/Pediatric team, which includes a neonatal nurse or nurse practitioner, and a respiratory therapist. They serve premature infants with respiratory or cardiac complications and other challenges, often using advanced equipment, including extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, known as ECMO, which oxygenates blood and circulates it back into the patient’s body, mimicking the natural function of the lung, heart or both.
The Adult/Pediatric team cares for patients of all ages and includes a nurse or nurse practitioner/paramedic and a critical-care paramedic. They handle emergencies ranging from head trauma injuries to medical complications.