Make positive changes with wellness resources
From restless nights to tobacco addiction, help is available!

TOBACCO CESSATION Mike Jones, a UF Health Shands Accounting and Finance reimbursement specialist, had used tobacco for about 10 years when he decided to make a change.
Jones attended a tobacco-cessation course called iQuit, offered through the UF Area Health Education Centers in conjunction with GatorCare. The class helps participants overcome addiction to all forms of tobacco and includes free nicotine patches, gum and/or lozenges.
“The aids were instrumental because I genuinely feared withdrawals would occur while I was at work,” he said. Tobacco-free since September 2015, Jones says he used the money he would’ve spent on tobacco to enter and purchase equipment for a half Ironman race he recently completed.
“Every morning, lunch and night that I haven’t used tobacco is a win,” he said.
GatorCare members are eligible to receive additional free quitting aids, like patches, gum and lozenges and free prescription aids, including Chantix and Buproprion.
Call 352-733-9202 or visit for more information.

SLEEP CHALLENGE Jennifer Mohr, a UF Health Shands Human Resources Recruitment employment coordinator, was struggling to get a full, restful night of sleep.
She decided to participate in the Seven- Day Sleep Challenge — part of the UF-UF Health Wellness Committee and GatorCare’s quarterly spotlight initiative. She found some long-term fixes. The challenge offers more than a dozen suggested sleep behavior
What worked best for Mohr was avoiding television, phone and computer screens for 30 minutes before bed and making her bedroom as cool and dark as possible at night. These modifications help her sleep better and feel more rested when she wakes up.
“The challenge has greatly improved my sleep,” she said. “It helped so much that I told my physician about it at an appointment I had shortly after the challenge ended.
GET THE HELP YOU NEED. Visit if you’re interested in transforming your sleep behaviors or giving up tobacco.
Wellness Stats.
- 33% of wellness survey participants have high cholesterol
- 32% of wellness survey participants have an ideal body mass index
- 3% of wellness survey participants have used tobacco products in the last two years
- 49% of wellness survey participants have an ideal physical activity score