Climbing the ranks

UF Health climbs Forbes' list for second year

By Doug Bennett

For the second year in a row, UF and UF Health are on Forbes’ list of America’s Best Employers, with UF Health rising nine spots from last year to No. 16 among all health care providers and UF ranking 13th among public universities in the survey of workers nationwide.

Overall, both saw marked improvements from 2015. UF Health came in at No. 89 on the list of the top 500 companies, up significantly from 154th last year. UF also saw a notable rise to No. 90 this year.da 

“Our employees make it possible for us to focus on high-quality patient care, so we are extremely pleased that our nurses, doctors, faculty and staff would recognize us in this fashion,” said David S. Guzick, M.D., Ph.D., UF senior vice president for health affairs and UF Health president. “This recognition reflects the UF Health culture of engagement and collaboration among faculty and staff across the academic health center.”

Paula Fussell, recently retired UF vice president for human resource services, said she’s pleased with the latest results.

“UF being on the list again this year is wonderful news; seeing that our ranking improved so much is icing on the cake,” Fussell said. “It reflects the importance we place on our employees and the effort we put into making the University of Florida such a great place to work.”

Working with online statistics provider Statista, Forbes asked more than 30,000 U.S. workers employed by companies with more than 5,000 staff members to determine, on a scale of zero to 10, how likely they were to recommend their employer to someone else. Forbes also asked workers how they feel about other employers in their industry.

Employees were contacted anonymously online without the involvement of their employer. Respondents included in the sample are representative of the U.S. workforce by gender, age, region, education and ethnicity.