Many of us can’t live without our computers and phones. Fortunately, there’s a place where you can find technical support for these essential devices. UF Health IT’s Walk-Up Help Desk provides faculty, staff and students with assistance when technical issues arise.
Anyone with a UF Health-related IT problem can stop by for assistance. Be sure to ring the doorbell when you arrive so the team of 15 end-user specialists — who receive around 220 calls a day — is aware that someone is waiting to be seen.
Specialists can help connect your managed or personal mobile devices and laptops to UF Health wireless networks, email, VPNs and other UF Health systems. If you are unable to leave your workstation, a specialist can assist you by phone and remote into your computer, if necessary.
UF Health Information Technology Walk-Up Help Desk Support Center
Where: Communicore Building, second floor, Room C2-011
Walk-up Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Remote Support Hours: 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Services: Email, wireless networks, VPNs, EPIC and more!
Directions to the Communicore Building: From the UF Health Shands Hospital Atrium (north campus), walk north down the main hallway past the food court/cafeteria. At the end of that hallway, use the exit doors on your left to the Sun Terrace food court. Walk through the Sun Terrace and enter the Communicore Building through the glass doors just past Starbucks on your right. The Communicore is the building with classrooms and the Health Science Center Library.
For more information or to submit an online request, visit or call 352-265-0526. You can also search “IT Help” on the Bridge.