Each of us give back to our patients and community in different ways. Whether that’s through the care we provide, volunteer work or financial support, our employees share their generosity with others daily.
But did you know fundraising at UF Health must be done in accordance with certain federal laws? Failure to comply can create problems for everyone involved.
UF Health Shands Core Policy 04.009 Fundraising, Donations, and Solicitations from Non-Referral Sources and Businesses, reminds us to never approach an individual or business for a donation without involving the Office of Development. It isn’t enough to notify development staff after you’ve asked for a donation — they must be involved from the beginning.
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding fundraising:
Q: My department wants to raise funds for the annual Raising Hope at Work campaign. Does this policy cover asking local businesses for donations of goods, services or discounts?
A: Yes, Core Policy 04.009 applies to fundraising that benefits UF Health Shands. Any fundraising or solicitation of local businesses should be performed through, by or under the direction of the Office of Development.
Q: May I create an online GoFundMe© campaign for a work-related department initiative?
A: At this time, the Office of Development does not allow crowdfunding or online fundraising campaigns. Also, employees should not initiate fundraising for department initiatives or events without prior approval from the Office of Development.
Q: May I use the UF Health taxpayer identification number (TIN) to solicit donations?
A: Employees are not permitted to use the TIN for fundraising purposes without permission from the Office of Development.
Q: I know an individual or business who would like to donate to UF Health. What should I do?
A: Thank the individual and tell them you will follow up with them, but try not to discuss fundraising. Then, contact the Office of Development for guidance.
If you have questions related to fundraising for UF Health, contact the Office of Development at 352-265-7237. For other questions related to corporate compliance, please contact Compliance Services at 352-627-9050.