On May 20, UF Health leaders hosted an event in the UF Health Shands Hospital Atrium to celebrate our accomplishments over the past five years and unveil our new strategic plan, The Power of Together, which will carry us through 2020.
“We’re here to celebrate the amazing things we’ve achieved over the last five years, and look ahead at what I’m sure will be a very exciting and fulfilling next five years,” said David S. Guzick, M.D., Ph.D., UF senior vice president for health affairs and UF Health president.
What makes a strategic plan exciting? We asked four of our leaders how they get inspired by our strategic plan.
“I am most excited about the synergy created between the hospital and university. The strategic plan creates a framework for success to benefit both institutions and more importantly our patients and community.”
Irene Alexaitis, D.N.P., R.N., NEA-BC, UF Health Shands Hospital chief nursing officer and Nursing and Patient Services vice president
“I have seen this work. Forward Together made us a better place. As we extend that further in The Power of Together, I am very confident that we will achieve even greater results and grow our successes in clinical service, research and education.”
Marvin Dewar, M.D., J.D., UF Health Physicians chief executive officer and UF College of Medicine senior associate dean
“It continues the momentum aligning the efforts of us who care for patients in our institution. I think the new plan will help us enormously during a period that promises to bring great change in the health care delivery environment. Recent legislative changes have created a future much different from the past in regard to public expectations and only academic health care centers that have a team that works together will thrive.”
Timothy Flynn, M.D., FACS, UF Health Shands chief medical officer and UF College of Medicine senior associate dean for clinical affairs
“I’ve seen what can happen when we focus our energy, when we come together and when we put the patient at the center of what we do. The Power of Together lets us do that again, and points us down a path of greater things to come.”
Ed Jimenez, UF Health Shands chief executive officer
Our Vision
Together we strive to create unstoppable momentum toward the goal of improving individual and community health through discovery, clinical and translational science and technology, exceptional education, and patient-centered, innovative,
high-quality health care.
Our Values
- Excellence
- Accountability
- Diversity
- Trust
- Innovation
- Teamwork
- Integrity
Our Missions
- Patient care
- Research
- Education
- Community service
View more photos from the event and learn about our new strategic plan on the UF Health Bridge intranet portal at bridge.UFHealth.org/poweroftogether.