Two UF Health Shands Hospital (north campus) patient, staff and visitor hot spots are receiving much-needed updates: patient and visitor elevators (“9-pack”) and Campus USA Credit Union.
Improving access and efficiency with energy-efficient elevators
Located in the east part of the facility, between UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and UF Health Shands Hospital, the patient and visitor elevators (“9-pack”) will be completely renovated and updated for the first time since 1981. Upgrades include new interiors: lighting, walls, floors and ceiling; new signals; and new control and drive systems to more efficiently dispatch elevators between floors.
Cabs will be updated in a staggered schedule to minimize wayfinding and service access. Construction will begin early May and continue through 2016.
Campus USA Credit Union updating facilities
Beginning Saturday, April 11, Campus USA Credit Union at UF Health Shands Hospital, located on the ground floor of the UF Health Science Center/UF Health Shands Hospital (north campus), will temporarily close for a remodel.
“Our new design will give a more open feel but also provide new offices to assist members with loans and new accounts,” said Troy Battle, Campus USA Credit Union project manager.
Banking services will be temporarily relocated to Room G-091 to assist members during the down time. Temporary location hours will be from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. The ATM will be up and running in its regular location throughout the remodel.
The renovations are anticipated to last three to four weeks.