The year’s Raising Hope at Work employee campaign is a powerful example of the commitment UF Health Shands employees have to helping others every day.
The campaign to support the new UF Health Heart & Vascular Hospital and UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital concluded with total pledges of $138,797, and an overall participation rate of 24.3 percent.

The UF Health Shands Finance team hoists its trophy for earning first-place honors during this year’s Raising Hope at Work campaign.
UF Health leadership is also supporting the campaign, with current pledges totaling $550,000.
The participation of more than 2,000 employees shows our community that we are dedicated to the success of this ambitious expansion, and illustrates “The Power of Together.”
The top five teams were honored with a complimentary lunch. Our winning team, Finance, received Raising Hope at Work apparel and the Champions of Hope trophy. Also, kudos to the Health Information Management department for winning the Arrow Display Contest with their creative representation of team participation.
Congratulations to this year’s team captains for their inspiring efforts and leadership. On behalf of the Raising Hope at Work campaign staff and volunteers, thank you all for rising to the challenge.
To view all teams with 100 percent participation in the 2015 Raising Hope at Work campaign and this year’s team captains, visit
Many of our teams reached the 100 percent participation milestone this year. Using a point system to calculate dollars raised and participation, the winners of this year’s Raising Hope at Work campaign are:
1st Place
Champions of Hope –Finance
2nd Place
Wildcard Winner –Information Services
Additional Top Teams –Health Information Management, Quality and Transplant Center