Each quarter of 2015, the UF-UF Health Shands Wellness Committee, along with GatorCare, will bring employees information, activities and programs to help you make healthy behavior changes.
Turbo Fitness at UF Health Shands Fitness and Wellness Center
This 30-minute circuit training class focuses on the upper and lower body, as well as core exercises. Classes begin at 11 a.m. and run every half-hour until 2 p.m., for a total of six classes each day, Monday through Friday. Class size is limited to 10 participants (online signup is required to guarantee a spot in a particular class). All Turbo Fitness participants can use any of the equipment available before and after participating in a class between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Cost is $35 per month, on a month-to-month basis with no initiation or early termination fee. Visit fitness.UFHealth.org for more information.
Group Fitness Classes, including Zumba and Pilates
Free weekly fitness classes located at the Facilities Administration Building on the UF Health Shands Hospital north campus, behind the east visitor parking garage. Parking is available. Visit GatorCare.org/wellness for more information.
Couch to 5K (January through March)
Get support and resources to complete a 5K this spring!
Visit GatorCare.org/wellness for more information.
COACH (Combating Obesity for
Alachua County’s Health)
Weekly Wellness Walks
From 8-11 a.m. each Saturday through Feb. 28 at the Santa Fe College track, these free community-based walks often feature guest speakers, physicians and vendors from local wellness organizations. Visit walkgainesville.weebly.com for more information.
Blood pressure and body
composition screenings
Screenings will be conducted at various locations throughout February. Get your blood pressure and body composition checked and meet with a health educator to discuss your numbers. Visit the calendar at GatorCare.org for dates, locations and times.
Nutritious You From Blue
This five-week nutrition course focuses on calories and nutrients, portion sizes, reading and using food labels, comparing food products, healthy cooking methods, dining out, meal-planning tools and more. Visit GatorCare.org/wellness for more information about course dates and registration.