April 17: National Healthcare Decisions Day

Learn more about advance directives from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, April 17 at the UF Health Shands Hospital Atrium during this year’s National Healthcare Decisions Day event.

“National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to remind people they should name someone to speak for them when they cannot speak for themselves,” said Anne Meiring, a UF Health Sebastian Ferrero Office of Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Patient Experience quality improvement specialist. “It’s also to ensure people have important
discussions about advance care planning.”

Attendees will learn how to take a proactive, positive approach to end-of-life planning decisions, articulate their preferences and make sure they are documented. Staff will help participants complete the forms and scan advance directives into the UF Health medical records system.

“Accidents can happen at any time. Working in health care for the last 30 years, I have heard many terribly tragic stories,” said Wendy Resnick, UF Health Shands Financial Services senior director of finance. “Completing your own advance directives helps ensure that if something happens, your wishes are carried out on your behalf.”

New this year will be several Before I Die walls around our community, including one in the Sun Terrace. Stop by to write your personal wish on the wall.

Visit nhdd.org to learn more about National Healthcare Decisions Day.